


After working for 5 years as a product designer in Seattle, I moved back to Germany to start our jewelry label Quite Quiet with a focus on design and sustainability. Sharing a business and a family with my partner allows us to be equal and to better balance both.


Anton (7 years), Ada (4 years), Alvar (4 months)

What is your favourite travel hack with kids?

Snacks and treats they usually don't get. Books and handicraft or drawing materials to keep them occupied and happy.

What do you do for self care?

Yoga (too rarely), Coffee and cake with the family in our tiny garden

What is your side Hustle?

Product design consulting

3 things you love

Music, being out in nature (gardening, hiking, kayaking etc.) and thoughtful design


Designer / Founder
Quite Quiet

Interested in Collaborating

shirley Schreyer