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Born in Namibia, raised in Germany, I am a free, nature loving spirit that loves to travel and is addicted to "firsts". I can talk all night about conspiracy theories, quantum physics and well being. Becoming a mother was a challenge for me which made me realise that our society still pains such an odd picture of motherhood. As an Empowerment Coach I started to focus on women to support them in the emotionally demanding transition period of becoming a mother. I am passionate about creating spaces that empower women to be exactly who they are.


Karlie (2)

What is your favourite travel hack with kids?

Enough food, books and late night flights

What do you do for self care?

Yoga, Meditation, Nature and white whine


Alexa von Hase Empowerment Coaching

Side Hustle

Teaching Yoga & Meditation

Interested in Networking

shirley Schreyer