

lullula_1255-Edit_hires - Lydia Mahnkopf.jpg

About Lydia

I started with music education at age three and I feel really passionately about the powers of it – in addition to over 10 years of performing and recording as a freelance soprano, I've also worked in higher ed administration at Brown University and the Barenboim-Said Akademie in Berlin. I'm a mom to 1.5 year old son Felix – after returning to singing following the birth, I was inspired to create a space for exploring the voice in motherhood (and beyond) – and for excellent Classical music education for little ones with live music and professional musicians.


Felix, boy 1.5 years

What is your favourite travel hack with kids?

A very, very big bag

3 things you love

The quarantine wish-list edition: listening to Mahler at the Philharmonie, dinner with friends, and anything involving Santa Maria Novella at MDC Cosmetic


Lullula Music

Side Hustle

Interested in


Communityshirley Schreyer