
Sandra Haller.png


I am a yogini, public relations agent and marketing expert. I work in the hospitality, lifestyle and fashion industries, and am part of the DJ team, Menage a Trois. I work to live holistically, combining the private and professional lives.

After working for over ten years with PR and event agencies, I found my best way to live is as a freelancer.

Spirituality has always been my path, and early in life I became an expert in various yoga and healing philosophies. After recognizing that I can only help the world through my own healing I started to practice kundalini yoga.


Luca Casper (7)

What is your favourite travel hack with kids?

Chanting mantras or singing works well in any stressful situations.

What do you do for self care?

Get up every morning at 5:30 for my daily kundalini practice, meditation and Kriya. Sounds crazy, but I look forward to it every day. It’s my time of the day!


PR consulting, marketing expert

Side Hustle

Kundalini yoga & DJing

Interested in Collaborating

shirley Schreyer