


Born in Munich, primary school in Los Angeles, back to Munich, boarding school in the Black Forest, Kibbutz in Israel, Berlin, acting education in Los Angeles and then back to Berlin where I met my big Love and became a mom. That's the short version :) Big music lover, sucker for fashion and interior design, comedy is my secret crush and sometimes (or most times) a foodie. Be kind and humble but know your worth.


Liara is 9 and Liev is 4

What is your favourite travel hack with kids?

Sticker books, Doodle books, iPad, and lots of Snacks.

What do you do for self care?

Meditation, a good read, comedy, time with friends, music, concerts and good food.


Actress and DJane

Side Hustle

Writing, styling and interior design

Interested in Collaborating

shirley Schreyer